In the summer of 2023, Coop Norrbotten will open the doors to its new store in Sävast. The supplies will be adapted for the residents of Sävast and technical solutions will make the store even more sustainable.
The size of the building on the Boden Business Park site will be almost 2,000 square meters . It’s a third of main Coop in the central part of Boden, but for a Coop store, it’s a pretty big one, at least in Norrbotten.
The plans for the Sävast venture were already in place before H2 Green Steels announced their intention to establish themselves in Boden, which in turn led Coop Norrbotten to decide to build a larger store.
– We want our grocery stores to be in neighbourhoods that are growing. Given the steel plant that is planned to be built here in Boden, we believe that Sävast will continue to grow. So it feels natural for us to invest in a larger store there,” says Peter Fjällborg, CEO of Coop Norrbotten.
Illustration of how the building may look to the southeast. Illustration from HS Copy.
The store will be located on the site closest to the junction with road 97, and a new entrance will be built from Svängleden, opposite Tallkronsvägen.
– The location means that it will be extremely convenient for commuters between Luleå and Boden to do their shopping before or after work. We will also have a good opportunity to create a cluster of offerings along with the other things planned in the area,” says Peter Fjällborg.
Less waste
The goal is to create a store that is optimised for customers.
– We will adapt our assortment of food products based on the customers who shop there so that it becomes a store that really suits the people of Sävast. If we manage to offer more relevant products, it also means that we reduce waste.
If all goes according to plan, construction will start on 8 of August and the store should be ready to receive customers in the summer of 2023. Sustainability is an important area for Coop Norrbotten. Therefore, the cooling, ventilation and lighting systems will be equipped with the latest technology to reduce energy consumption. Solar cells will also be installed on the roof top to contribute to its own electricity production and the car park will be equipped with a fast-charging facility for electric cars.
– We are a sustainable company and these measures help us to save resources in the company, but also on the earth’s resources.
Peter Fjällborg, CEO Coop Norrbotten. Photo: Per Pettersson.
Coop Norrbotten has bought the land from the municipality of Boden for SEK 3 338 000. The building permit is granted and issued from the moment the detailed development plan for Boden Business Park becomes law. If the plan is not appealed, this means that the building permit will become valid on 27 July.