The municipality of Boden has signed an agreement with H2 Green Steel that will allow the company to start planning contractor housing. The framework agreement places a particular focus on creating safe and pleasant environments.
The City Council approved the proposal to sign a framework agreement with H2 Green Steel. Under the agreement, the municipality will set aside land in five designated areas to enable the construction of contractor housing. Several of the sites will also consist of different land areas in smaller sub-areas.
The sites in question are Prästholmen/Björkelund, Torpgärdan, Bodsvedjan, Sävast and Sävastön.
– We have looked at what municipal owned land we can use. If there are water and sewage facilities and then the suitability from other perspectives and come up with these locations, says Johan Larsson, project manager for contractor housing.
Map of designated sub-areas for entrepreneurial housing.
Most of the sites will contain several land areas and a lease agreement will be signed for each individual area. Temporary building permits for the intended buildings will also be considered in each sub-area.
The framework agreement governs the conditions for future lease agreements. It partly concerns more formal details such as the duration of the lease (5 years), what applies in the event of termination of the contract, the fee and how it will be calculated and the restoration of the land when the steelworks is completed.
Common guidelines
But a large part of the agreement is also about security and order (Points concerning security and order are at the bottom of the text).
The municipality, together with the police authority and H2GS, has chosen to develop guidelines and proposals for measures to be used to create safe and pleasant environments at the contractors’ homes.
The guidelines will also be clarified and set out as requirements in future lease agreements, where the requirements may differ for different areas depending on the size, location and surroundings of the land.
According to the framework agreement, there must be a dialogue between the company, the municipality of Boden and the police regarding the order, security, design and planning of buildings and the outdoor environment in the granting of each lease. A measure welcomed by the police authority.
– The experience we have from other places with temporary housing is that a well-functioning collaboration between authorities and businesses is very important to create safe environments. That’s why it feels great that this cooperation is regulated in the framework agreement,” says Sara Ekbom, Municipal Police Officer in Boden.
Sara Ekbom, Municipal Police in Boden
Requirements for contractors
In each area, it should also be possible to reach out to residents with information. It should be a gateway that makes it easy for the municipality, business, associations, police or other interested parties to reach residents. Suggestions on how to ensure this are through staffed reception, notice boards and information meetings.
– We hope to find ways for people to feel included in the community and choose to take part in the many leisure activities available here, and this part is very important. Then there may be more practical matters relating to the area where it is good to have a clear person in charge to contact,” says Johan Larsson.
Johan Larsson, Project Manager, Municipality of Boden.
For H2 Green Steel, the framework agreement provides an opportunity to set requirements for the contractors who will build and operate the contractor housing. It also means that the company can now plan for the next phase, which involves starting to sketch out what the areas will look like.
– We are delighted and grateful to have secured a framework agreement that will allow us to start building contractor housing. We are also well ahead of schedule. Things are already happening on the site, soon people will also start moving into Boden and we need to be prepared. It is also important for us to make this good, both for Boden and the people who will live here, says Emma Hurtig, Project Manager H2 Green Steel.
Emma Hurtig, H2 Green Steel
Here are the security points included in the annex to the framework agreement.
- Lighting throughout the area (from parking to buildings).
- Good visibility to avoid confined spaces.
- Area map with house numbers at the entrance.
- Clear house numbers on each building.
- Clearly defined parking area.
- Roads and plans for the ground, for deliveries, buses and other transport.
- Burn Notice.
- Security patrols.
- Right of security guards and police to search public areas.
The points concerning order:
- Scheduled rounds to check public order and road access for emergency vehicles.
- That parking spaces are not used for storage.
- Containers shall be provided for waste sorting in all communal areas.
- Outdoor ashtrays and bins should be provided.
- Bins and containers are available for waste and sorting.