
Feasibility study for building plots in the countryside
The village association in Överstbyn has expressed the need to identify the possibility of new plots. A feasibility study has been launched as one of

H2 Green Steel buys land at Boden Industrial Park
Boden Municipality and H2 Green Steel have agreed on a deal that means the company will purchase the land where the steel mill and hydrogen

New company in Boden invests in sports club
Boden has welcomed a new company that prioritizes sustainability and thinks differently to benefit the community associations. On Friday, they hosted the business breakfast and

Vattenfall to test future fish feed in Boden, Sweden
Boden will play a central role in the development of sustainable fish feed for the future. At Vattenfall’s fish farm in Heden, they are following

Boden is the place where the sun always smiles…
Whether it’s the midnight sun of summer, the crackling northern lights of winter, or a much-needed rain shower, Boden is having a bright time. Here

A structured green community building is emerging
“We are in the midst of a green transition that is historic. We look outwards and attract companies from all over the world. We are

Meet Boden at Load Up North in August
On August 24-26, the Load Up North fair will be held at Boden Energi Arena. At the municipality of Boden’s generous stand, you get a

Next phase launched at Boden Industrial Park
H2 Green Steel’s extensive work at Boden Industrial park is progressing. Recently, the so-called piling began, bringing the work one step closer to completion. Just

Growth in Boden’s strong local businesses
In the spring, over 150 local businesses in the municipality of Boden responded to a survey. Their needs and growth are now being monitored in

Greta from Barcelona got a summer job in Boden
In the wake of the project with Spanish assistant nurses in Boden’s elderly care this summer, Greta Sanches Lindgren has also left Barcelona for Boden.

From India to the good life in Boden
Pradyumn and Vislanj, aged 8, and Ninanya and Anigresh, aged 11, and their mothers, have left their home country of India to join their fathers

Let´s move to Boden!
Elin Lindahl has already packed her moving boxes and is looking forward to the local life in Boden. Together with her family, she moves from