
This is what Boden-Luleå can look like in 2040
In 20 years, you will cycle on ice-free high-speed tracks to work and your leisure activities – all year round. Then you can also run

16 new residential plots are planned in Unbyn
Of course, Boden will also grow in the countryside. Therefore, 16 small house plots are now planned in idyllic Unbyn. A plan proposal for the

Detailed plan for a new residential area in Unbyn
A proposal for a detailed plan for part of the property Unbyn 3:19, stage 3 has been prepared and is being submitted for review from

Boden – best in Sweden according to the business community
Almost 33,000 entrepreneurs have assessed municipal services in six areas. The municipality of Boden received the highest rating of all – again. This is the

Boden Gamecamp’s concept praised: “Very smart”
The gaming industry in Sweden is growing enormously and the biggest bottleneck when it will continue to grow is competence. This is what Per Strömbäck,

Bodenxt Talks – now available on Spotify
Listen to the episodes on Spotify and Acast. In the podcast we delve into the major industrial and social change that is currently taking place

The student is praised by the gaming giant
In competition with game developers from around the world, student Fatima Alkhatib received the prestigious scholarship from one of the world’s largest game manufacturers. The

Creative teams will reduce the distance between Boden and Luleå
What will the living environments of the future look like in Boden and Luleå and how can the cities be experienced more closely? Four creative

Video: H2GS meets the residents of Boden
Large parts of H2 Green Steel, together with the municipality of Boden and the industry and commerce community in Boden, were on site to answer

H2GS chief: “We will solve it”
Bodenxt Talks # 6 is about H2 Green Steel’s establishment in Boden. What’s going on right now, keeping to the tight schedule and what’s really

Bodenxt Talks – Thousands of new homes
5 000 new residents within the course of 8 years. This is the municipality of Boden’s new goal and the establishment of H2 Green Steel

Video: They make sure that the new industry is sustainable
How does a new, large industrial company to be truly sustainable from the beginning? At H2 Green Steel, there is already a whole sustainability team