
Energy symbiosis with a long history
Piece by piece strategic steps have made Boden’s location and capacity so highly interesting that today we are on everyone’s lips at government level and

We got the jobs up north!
In the sub-project skills supply first phase, a holistic approach is taken to the common labor market in Boden, Luleå and the region in order

550 hectares for the green industrial revolution
Cecilia Kvibacke is one of several key figures in Boden’s municipality’s social transformation. She belongs to the public works administration and is responsible for development

New investment in more efficient waste management
The new pre-treatment at Brännkläppen’s waste facility in Boden doubles the capacity to receive food waste from the entire county. The management is gathered in

Local power with a global perspective
An important key player in the rapid climate change in the EU, Sweden and Boden is Boden’s Energy. Their capacity, willingness and quick response to

A new cultural strategy is taking shape
Since the beginning of 2021, there has been hard work in the culture, leisure and youth department in Boden. Schedules, invitations have been drawn up,

Hydrogen for vehicles soon reality
Soon, heavy vehicles will be able to refuel with hydrogen in Boden. The company Zelk Energy has been granted support from Klimatklivet to build up

Boden’s Energy wants to capture carbon dioxide
Bodens Energi has initiated a feasibility study to investigate possible technology for carbon dioxide capture at the CHP plant in Boden. The goal is to

Recycling company choose Boden as their place of establishment
Ragn-Sells Recycling has chosen to establish itself in Boden at Boden Business Park. Here they want to be at the center of events and find

Boden is a pilot municipality in a digital global talent portal
With the digital platform MindDig, some of the largest industrial companies in the green revolution will attract new necessary cutting-edge expertise to the region. Boden

Tailorbird establishes itself in Boden
A lot is happening at Boden Business Park right now and a number of new companies have established themselves at the business park during the

Here is the plan for Boden’s new hotel
A new hotel with 300 beds, seven floors and a spa at the top is planned on Brännastrand in connection with the restaurant M /