About us

The smart and green?

The city of Boden is located in the heart of an extremely intensive inward investment region and play an important part of the global transitioning into sustainable societies. Here, 20 years of social development will take place over the next few years. And in the north of Sweden 1400 billion SEK will be invested in green reindustrialisation.

In Boden, we see opportunities in the near the smart and circular that powers the development of our contrast rich environment. Equipped for the challenges of the future, with smart and sustainable solutions for future generations to further develop.

We are the green heart of northern Sweden, where industry and commerce interact in a unique ecosystem which attracts talent from all over the world.

Odlar i växthus
En bild av en stor industriell anläggning i en landsbygdsmiljö. Anläggningen består av flera stora byggnader med röda tak och ljusare väggar, och en hög skorsten som dominerar landskapet. I förgrunden syns en tät barrskog och anläggningen är omgiven av gröna fält. Bakom anläggningen öppnar sig en vidsträckt utsikt över böljande kullar och skogsmark under en klarblå himmel med några spridda moln. En kraftledningsgata med högspänningsledningar sträcker sig in i bilden från höger och leder in mot anläggningens transformatorstation

Green Industrial areas

Boden Industrial Park is the largest industrial area in Sweden with its 550 hectares. This corresponds to more than 1,000 football pitches of normal size and is larger than the inner city of Stockholm.

At the park there is a rich supply of renewable electricity and it’s close to existing infrastructure, which creates unique conditions for establishing surface-demanding operations that contribute to green reindustrialisation.

This is where H2 Green Steel is preparing to build a green steel plant that, when completed, is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 95% compared to traditional blast furnace steel. The company are also going to build the world’s largest green hydrogen plant here.

Furthermore, the area is ideal for the establishment of large greenhouses, customized for year-round cultivation and other activities that contribute to increased self-sufficiency.

Although Boden Industrial Park is our largest industrial area, it is just one of three very large green industrial areas where we are shaping the circular Boden of the future.

Grönt industriområde i Boden

Smart greenhouses

By using waste heat from a data centre combined with AI, cultivation techniques are optimized to make it possible to harvest fruit and vegetables all year around close to the arctic circle. The smart greenhouse of 300 square meters is just one of many projects in our strive to become more self-sufficient.

Green hydrogen hub

Hydrogen is expected to play a key role in the global climate transition. In Boden, H2 Green Steel plans to build the world’s largest facility of green hydrogen production facility. There are also large amounts of renewable electricity in the nearby area. Boden is therefore identified as a hub for the green hydrogen network in the northern Nordic region.

Gaming boom

The gaming industry is one of the fastest growing branches in the country, with a turnover of 63 billion SEK. Boden Game Camp has created an ecosystem in the north with a variety of educations in game development. On top of that there are also companies, incubators and support services that attract talent from all over the world.

Latest news

A growing society

The city of Boden is located in the heart of an extremely intensive inward investment region and play an important part of the global transitioning into sustainable societies. Here, H2 Green Steel invest 50 billion SEK in a green steel plant, based on integrated production. And right next to it, the world’s probably largest green hydrogen production unit will be built as well.

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