Available land, innovative courage and an enabling attitude are some of the basic factors that have made Boden an attractive place for new investment.
Boden is not just a municipality in transition, but a place that is actively shaping the future of the construction sector in the green transition of society. With the construction industry facing tough times in many parts of Sweden, Boden is attracting attention as one of the country’s expansive locations. Within a few years, the municipality’s population will increase by 5 000 people by 2030. In addition, several thousand people will need temporary accommodation during the construction phase of the new steel plant.
Boden Municipality foresaw the need for detailed planning to prepare for the building boom we are now witnessing, with zoning for thousands of homes and a separate solution for temporary contractor housing.
– Tillgång till olika typer av bostäder med varierande boendeformer är en stor del av nyckeln till att uppnå Bodens vision och befolkningsmål, säger Lars Andersson, som har varit plan- och exploateringschef i Bodens kommun under många år och har varit med och skapat förutsättningarna för att möta behovet som kommunen står inför nu.
Fast and Innovative
The record-fast transformation from a small town to a bustling industrial city requires smart and rapid, yet long-term measures, as well as the ability to collaborate and think innovatively beyond traditional municipal frameworks and annual cycles.
Many pieces need to fall into place quickly, and numerous employees are working diligently on all levels.
– Building a community that grows quickly, but is also sustainable in the long term, requires responsiveness between the municipality’s various departments, flexible detailed plans and forward planning, says Sofia Bergvall, urban planner at Boden Municipality

Through the Bodenxt development organization, with the sub-areas of housing & lifestyle, business, infrastructure above and below ground and skills supply, a fast track was formed in parallel with and across municipal activities.
The municipality of Boden has also made a name for itself in construction circles for acting quickly and smoothly in communicating with potential investors. According to the quality measurement of municipal authorities and service to entrepreneurs by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Boden has been one of Sweden’s best in several categories for years, and the highest-ranked municipality in Norrbotten.
Neighborhood development
Samtidigt som samhället växer värnar Bodens kommun om att ha ett långsiktigt och hållbart perspektiv för hela samhället, både för befintliga och framtida bodensare. Visionen Det goda livet ska genomsyra alla kommunala beslut och har en hög prioritet i Bodens kommuns utvecklingsarbete. En del av det är att i utvecklingen av befintliga och nya bostadsområden metodiskt lyfta in synpunkter och röster från medborgare, föreningar och organisationer. Handlingsplaner med konkreta aspekter arbetas in i budgetprocesser och i kommunala beslut. Det skapar lösningar där dagens befintliga medborgare är delaktiga i utvecklingen av platsen där de lever och bor, för att kunna möta den pågående samhällsomställningen och välkomna fler.

– The municipality of Boden’s way of working is unique in using this structured model that can be applied to all phases of area development, both long-term and in the present, explains Emma Lundqvist, production manager for spatial planning and community development strategist.
Investing in Boden
En av flera aktörer som satsar i Boden är Lindbäcks Fastigheter som rekordsnabbt har byggt nya lägenheter för både privatbostäder och möblerade premiumbostäder för entreprenörer.
– It’s a great feeling. In total we have 92 apartments, 49 in the first building and 43 in the second, explains Hans Lindbäck, CEO of Lindbäcks Fastigheter.
Projektet hade byggstart i mars 2023 och första huset stod färdigt samma höst. Det andra var inflyttningsbart i januari 2024. De har även inlett ett nytt byggprojekt på ytterligare 200 lägenheter i Boden, i partnerskap med Cederfors.
– The municipality of Boden has been extremely helpful and solution-oriented. It’s easy to come here and feel welcome, says Hans Lindbäck.
He particularly sees the major industrial establishments as the main reason for investing here with customized solutions based on the needs of the societal transformation and being one of the players present when everything takes off.
– There has to be a belief in the future, and we feel that there is here in Boden.